If you desire to protect a folder with a password and want to know How to set password on folder in Windows 11 easily then today’s article is suitable for you. In today’s article, we will talk on this topic. Hello, friends, I am Ravi Thakur welcome back to my official website softazaria.com
Friends, if you wish to secure any folder or any file on your computer, then this work is extremely easy now. You can easily add password to a folder on your system so that whenever someone attempts to access that folder he will have to enter a password first, after that he will be able to open the folder and access files completely.
In today’s post, we are going to share with you a very easy method to protect your files. With the help of this method, you can easily secure a folder or a file. Below I am giving some steps so follow all steps carefully.
How to set password on folder in Windows 10
- First of all, you will have to download and install software on your systems like a computer or laptop, named is WinRAR. Below I am giving two links to download WinRAR, you can download WinRAR software according to your system configuration. To download, just click on the below-given link, and you will be redirected to another page, after that, click on the download button. Thus you can easily download WinRAR software from the official website.
Download WinRAR For 64 Bit
Download WinRAR For 32 Bit
- In the next step, you will have to go to the folder and right-click. after that multiple options will be available in front of you. Now you will have to click on the “Add to archive” options. After that, a dialog box will open, As shown in the image below.
- After that, A dialog box will show, now you will have to choose one of the RAR or ZIP extensions and then click on the Advanced menu that shows above the popup windows. As you can see in the image.
- After clicking on the Advanced menu, you will see an option to Set Password, click on it. As soon as you will click on it a popup window opens in front of you. As you can see in the given photo below.
- In the next step, A popup box will extend in front of you. Now you will have to enter a new password that you want to add to your folder and file. After that, you will have to enter the same password again for verification, then click on OK. After that, you close all opened window boxes.
- Now, create a ZIP or RAR folder with the password and the same name automatically. After that, you can delete the old folder and open the new ZIP or RAR folder that is protected.
- After opening, whatever files are in this folder, as soon as you attempt to access any of those files you will show an option to enter the password, which means you will be able to access those files only when you enter the password. As soon as you enter your password, your file will open.
Thus, you can protect files with a password and secure your files from unknown people. Friends I have shared with you the full process, hope, you have understood this process, yet if you have a query and want any information related to this topic, then you can ask me easily by commenting. I try my best to reply to your comment.
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